Your Accountability Partner and Spiritual Companion
Hi, my name is Karen. I have lived in Tucson, Arizona, since 2017, and, before that, Indianapolis, Memphis, and Atlanta. I’ve worked as a writer, teacher, corporate and adult education trainer and curriculum creator, and have served in various roles at several spiritual retreat centers. There’s more about me at karenrutherford.com and postsinglemotherhood.com.
I believe that our unique desires are spiritual callings. We are nudged onto certain paths by a higher or unknown power. Some of those paths are clear and full of ideas and projects, and we know what we want to be doing and where we want to be going. Some of our paths haven’t been cleared yet, and we may not yet be sure of our first or next step. Then, others may be overgrown in places causing overwhelm or preventing our vision on how to keep going or giving us a feeling of dread at the work ahead. And some of our paths might be so well-worn that they’re boring or disappointing.
I would like to accompany you on whichever might be yours, offering both support and comfort, and solidarity and accountability as you take steps along the path that only you can walk. I’d like to be that reliable partner and companion on your creative (and spiritual) quest.
I offer four primary services:
Accountability partnerships and spiritual companionships customized to your needs
Online Silent Coworking Sessions to provide a free space for accountability and commitment
A listing by state of the most supportive retreat centers for creative solace seekers
I am an old “why” kid, so I ask a whole lot of questions. I love backstory, sure, but I mostly love that look in someone’s eye or emotion in someone’s voice when one of their answers sparks a moment of creativity, clarity, connection, ease, or, even better, joy.
A little more about me is in the Introductions section below.
Sugarcreek Park in Bellbrook, Ohio
Bellbrook Studios is named as a nod to Erma Bombeck, a personal favorite, who was born in Bellbrook, Ohio. The picture here is of the town’s Sugarcreek Park.
In full and upfront disclosure, not all of this website is real. Bellbrook Studios in the physical world will be (in the spirit of “act as if” something is already true) an online and real-world collection of studios and workshops for writers and storytellers, artists and creators, retreaters and escape artists. It might welcome book clubs and writing groups, cooking classes and kaffeeklatsches, stamp collectors and quilting bee enthusiasts. All supported by a network of spiritual companions and mentors. Most of all, it would welcome anyone who wanted to just sit for a spell and rest in their Spirit.
A little more about Bellbrook Studios is on the About page.
I was taught years ago by the best writing coach ever that the connection we all share is the search for our flow. Even though we all live vastly different lives, we all have that feeling in our guts and our hearts when we’re doing something we find joy in, where we feel united with something bigger than ourselves, where we feel like we’re honoring something that may have been trying to get our attention, sometimes since childhood. I now refer to this flow as honoring Spirit, but that’s just me. Spirit, God, Universe, Higher Self, Buddha, Muhammad, Jesus, etc., are all the terms we’ve given, in my opinion, to the same Thing. I embrace and am fascinated by all religions and non-religions, because I see them as one, just with unique traditions that attract us. No matter your affiliation, it’s yours, it’s sacred, and it’s the key to your flow. I want to support you in finding that place of rest and connection in any situation.
I’m good at helping people find their flow. You can click on my spiritual resume, but the abridged version is this: My job for a lot of years has been as a technical writer and corporate/adult education trainer. Listening, learning, teaching, communicating. All with focus on the client experience. For the past 15 years, I have also worked for and learned from spiritual organizations such as the Oldenburg Franciscan Center and the Benedict Inn Retreat Center in Indiana, and the Santa Rita Abbey, the Desert House of Prayer, and the Redemptorist Renewal Center in Arizona. All retreat centers that supported my contemplation, reflection, solitude, and brought me here, to my own “pretend” Bellbrook Studios.
Sometimes, we can look back at those detours and disconnects and times of being lost on our paths and see the flow. Sometimes, we can’t. Sometimes, we might need a companion to walk with us or help us make order from what feels like chaos. So, this is really just a continuation of what I have been doing all along. Listening to others’ stories, situations, challenges, and wins and supporting them in finding their own solutions and flows. Watching them come to life as they understand something or themselves and as they find their value and confidence, their connection and peace. Their flow. Your flow.
Who do I think I am? I am not at all a fan of the term Life Coach. It implies that the coach has been especially anointed by the Universe, that they are doing life correctly, so they must teach the rest of us and charge $$$$ for their superior wisdom. But I am certified (just to make sure I was on my own “right” path), and I have completed coursework at the Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction. I am also not a fan of the term Spiritual Director. Because that implies that the director knows your road map and lights your way. So, I ‘d rather be a spiritual companion on YOUR exploration and an accountability partner with you along the way.
I am also a member of the following associations:
All of life is spiritual and Spirit is found in all your creative experiences. Your spiritual path is yours, of course. And God, in all forms, leads your way. It is with this foundation of understanding that our relationship takes form. My role is to listen, to reflect, to discern, to prompt only when appropriate, to accompany you on your personal path with God, but never direct. If you do decide to reach out, the first question I might ask you is, “What drew you here?”
*Photo credits to: Nathan Fertig on Unsplash and Sugarcreek Metro Park in Bellbrook, Ohio